Wednesday, July 9, 2014

not another 12 years

i’m a risk taker. i can handle volatility. i can survive the worst-case scenario. i was laid off five weeks ago. thank God. i am finally creating, experimenting, and saying yes to new ideas. and my little back yard garden is about to birth 16 zucchini, 32 cucumbers, and 68 radishes, thank you very much.

i’m also listening to the book the start up of you on my long rides to stockbridge, ma this summer…oh, did i not mention? one of my personal cheerleaders, dyan, offered me a summer gig a couple days a week watching over the most gorgeous view in the berkshires! anyway, the book…this chapter on risk really validated what i already know about myself as a risk taker. this is not the time for me to play things safe - this is the opportunity i've been waiting for.

meanwhile, the dots in this drawing…hole punched from tracing paper i covered with large swatches and swirlies of washable paint while teaching a preschool art class long ago. inspiration just waiting around 12 years for me to have time to follow through - sinful. so one more time...thank god, with an extra amen and halleluyah! as risky as it may be, i get to be an artist again.

Spiral with Green, ink pen, paint, glue, 11" x 11" © 2014

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